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SCP: Papers Please-CZ

Popis hryPřijměte roli kontrolora dokumentů na Checkpointu v tajemném prostředí SCP nadace. Vaším úkolem je prověřovat a schvalovat dokumenty všech, kdo se snaží projít. Vaše práce je klíčová pro udržení bezpečnosti a pořádku. Hra je inspirována známými tituly jako Papers, Please a That's Not My Neighbor.

Dokážete rozpoznat všechny nesrovnalosti a zajistit, že pouze ti s bezchybnými dokumenty projdou? Buďte pozorní, každá chyba může mít vážné důsledky.

Poznámka: Tato hra slouží pouze jako prototyp. Můžete se setkat s různými chybami a nekompletními funkcemi, které budou plně implementovány v budoucí verzi. Vaše zpětná vazba je vítána a pomůže nám hru dále vylepšovat.

SCP: Papers Please-EN

Game Description: Assume the role of a document inspector at a checkpoint in the mysterious setting of the SCP Foundation. Your task is to verify and approve the documents of everyone trying to pass through. Your work is crucial for maintaining security and order. The game is inspired by well-known titles like Papers, Please and That's Not My Neighbor.

Can you spot all the discrepancies and ensure that only those with flawless documents get through? Be vigilant, as every mistake can have serious consequences.

Note: This game is only a prototype. You may encounter various bugs and incomplete features, which will be fully implemented in a future version. Your feedback is welcome and will help us further improve the game.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsGameMaker, Horror, papers-please, scp, scp--containment-breach, scp-foundation


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SCP Papers Please 0.2.zip 29 MB
SCP Papers Please 0.3.zip 34 MB


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Oh damn I really like this game but the checkbox can't even be checked yet I would like to play this much more if that's fixed soon 

again take your time to fix it because ik how hard game development is <

Besides the annoyance of being unable to tick the checklist box sometimes, I think you can expand this game further and make it into a very unique SCP game, this project is very promising, plz continue it if you can! I also made a short playthrough for your game.

Thank you for playing the game and for your feedback.